Microsoft has just launched a new mobile gaming studio

forextoday | 8:06 PM | 0 comments

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Microsoft has just launched a new mobile gaming studio, it may well hope that tapping into its Xbox market can save Windows Phone 7.

A report from Gartner found that Microsoft's Windows Mobile smartphone market share has dropped to 5 percent from 9.3 percent a year ago. During that same time, by way of contrast, Android's market share skyrocketed from 1.8 percent a year ago to 17.2 percent today.

Microsoft hopes to fight back, but with Android market share soaring, and iPhone sales showing no letup, it's going to be tough to do. Microsoft needs to find some way to offer something that neither smartphone competitor does.

It may be that it hopes gaming will do it. Job postings show that Microsoft is launching a studio it calls MGS Mobile Gaming, and doing aggressive hiring to fill its positions. Here's part of the job description for Executive Producer:

Microsoft Games Studios is establishing a new Studio --- MGS Mobile Gaming --- focused on bringing games and entertainment to the mobile life that people lead. Our vision is to deliver games and entertainment so good that people will want them always with them, on a service that makes them social, connected and relevant anywhere their life goes. The Mobile Gaming team is building industry leading products that showcase our Windows Phone platform as well as emerging mobile platforms, and will help realize Microsoft's connected entertainment vision. The Mobile Gaming studio will be the hub for MGS franchises and titles on mobile devices and a center of excellence for mobile games.

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About Nhamngahanh: My name is Dinh Quang Huy . Known as Nhamngahanh .I'm administrator of SimplexDesign blog .This blog was opened for test .